Naviate for Civil 3D webinar series

Naviate Civil 3D Min Max Surface

Details on the webinar available soon.


Date: November 1 15:00-1600 CEST

Details on the webinar available soon.

We will show:

Can’t attend the webinar? Register anyways and we’ll send you a recording afterwards.


Thomas Nilsson
Thomas Nilsson

Thomas Nilsson, Naviate Civil 3D Product Manager and Product Owner. Thomas has worked with Naviate for Civil 3D for many years and with Civil 3D for even longer. He is passionate about helping engineers be more efficient working with Civil 3D. He can also sing backwards.


Caroline Tigersjö
Caroline Tigersjö

Caroline Tigersjö, Application Engineer, Naviate Civil 3D. She has a background as pipe designer and has worked for many years with support and adjusting Naviate for Civil 3D to do as she wants and not as the program wants. She succeeds most of the time.